Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size243 litres / 64.19 US gallons
Maximum Size40.0cm / 15.75inches
Temperature25°C / 77.00°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Red Fin Thresher Plec, also known as L035, L011, L108, and L116, is an attractive species belonging to the Loricariidae family. It typically reaches sizes of about 3-4 inches in captivity, though it can grow as large as 40cm when fully mature. This species is recognized by its elongated caudal fin, which gives it its common name. It is advised to carefully inspect specimens before purchase to ensure they are healthy, looking for signs of emaciation such as sunken eyes and a rounded belly.

Aquarium Setup

For the Red Fin Thresher Plec, a spacious tank with a minimum size of 243 litres is necessary. The tank should ideally have a sandy substrate, ample hiding spots, and shade provided by large chunks of driftwood and smooth rocks. Dim lighting is recommended, and the tank decor should be arranged to create open spaces above the tank bottom, allowing the fish to move swiftly without collisions. The species also thrives in well-oxygenated water and requires a robust filtration system due to its significant waste output. See table for specific water parameter requirements.


This species is known for its peaceful nature, making it suitable to cohabitate with larger characins, cyprinids, peaceful cichlids, and other catfish. It is surprisingly non-territorial and can be kept in a species group or alongside other docile Loricariids. However, smaller species may feel intimidated by its size.

Feeding and Diet

The Red Fin Thresher Plec is an undemanding eater, accepting a variety of foods. Offering a balanced diet is essential, including greens like cucumber, courgette, and blanched spinach, along with dried, live, and frozen foods. Regular feedings are recommended to sustain its health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Information on the reproduction of the Red Fin Thresher Plec in a hobbyist setting remains unreported. Similarly, sexual dimorphism for this species is unknown, requiring further study to determine any distinguishing physical characteristics between genders.

Habitat and Distribution

In its natural habitat, this species is found in the Amazon region across countries such as Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Specific variants of the Red Fin Thresher Plec correspond to different regions, with L011, L035, and L116 originating from various rivers in Brazil and L108 from the Rio Napo in Ecuador. The fish thrives in flowing, oxygen-rich waters over sandy substrates strewn with rocks and stones, reflecting its preferred natural environment.


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