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Minimum Tank Size108 litres / 28.53 US gallons
Maximum Size17.5cm / 6.89inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 23°C / 73.40°F

General Description

The Blue Fin Thresher Pleco, also known as L093, L153, and L195, is a rare species sometimes labeled as Hypostomus villarsi in the aquarium trade. Found in Venezuela, it can reach a maximum size of 17.5cm. This peaceful fish is a popular choice for community tanks due to its non-territorial nature.

Aquarium Setup

To house the Blue Fin Thresher Pleco adequately, a minimum tank size of 108 litres is recommended with a spacious layout. The ideal tank should have a sandy substrate and provide ample hiding spots with driftwood and rocks. Dim lighting is preferred, along with well-oxygenated water and an efficient filtration system due to the fish's waste production. For specific water conditions, maintain a pH level of 6.0-7.2, a temperature range of 21-23°C, and a water hardness of 2-10°dH.


Known for its peaceful demeanor, the Blue Fin Thresher Pleco can coexist with various tankmates, including larger characins, cyprinids, peaceful cichlids, and other catfish species. It shows minimal territorial behavior and can be housed either in a group of its kind or with other peaceful Loricariids.

Feeding and Diet

This species is an omnivorous feeder that readily accepts a wide range of foods. Offer a diverse diet that includes greens like cucumber, courgette, and blanched spinach, along with live, frozen, and dried food options. Interestingly, as the Blue Fin Thresher Pleco matures, it tends to shift towards a more carnivorous diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Details regarding the reproduction and sexual dimorphism of the Blue Fin Thresher Pleco are currently unknown.

Habitat and Distribution

In its natural habitat, this species thrives in flowing waters with sandy substrates, often adorned with rocks, stones, and driftwood. The Blue Fin Thresher Pleco is commonly spotted around driftwood snags in its native waters of Venezuela.


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