Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size71 litres / 18.76 US gallons
Maximum Size10.0cm / 3.94inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Banded Gourami, scientifically known as Trichogaster Fasciata, is a peaceful species that originates from countries like Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. It is recognized for its beauty and tranquility, despite being a sought-after food fish in its native regions. This gourami species is the largest in its genus and belongs to the Osphronemidae-Luciocephalinae family. It possesses a unique labyrinth organ, which enables it to breathe atmospheric air to some extent, a common trait among Anabantoidei suborder species.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal display and well-being, the Banded Gourami thrives in a serene aquarium environment. A tank of at least 71 liters is advisable, with minimal water movement to prevent any disturbance to the fish and vegetation. Creating a habitat with an abundance of live and frozen foods will aid in enhancing the gourami's coloration and overall condition. The setup should include floating plants for shade, driftwood, twisted branches for cover, and a dark substrate. See table for specific water condition requirements.


Generally suitable for peaceful community tanks, the Banded Gourami can exhibit aggression, particularly during spawning periods. In smaller tanks, males may engage in territorial disputes. It is advisable to keep this species with non-aggressive tankmates that do not resemble it closely. Shoals of rasboras, danionins, barbs, loaches, and smaller Bagrid catfish are compatible companions. Avoid housing it with Thick-lipped Gouramis to prevent hybridization.

Feeding and Diet

Being omnivorous and undemanding, the Banded Gourami accepts a varied diet, including live and frozen foods. Regularly feeding live and frozen foods will help the fish develop vibrant colors and maintain good health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

As a bubble nest builder, the Banded Gourami requires a separate tank for spawning. The mating process involves the male creating and guarding a bubble nest among floating plants. Males are more colorful and develop pointed dorsal and anal fins as they mature, distinguishing them from females. Spawning leads to the release of 500-1000 eggs, which the male gathers and protects until hatching.

Habitat and Distribution

Inhabiting sluggish waters with surface vegetation, the Banded Gourami is also found in rice paddies, where it has been introduced in various regions. Found in countries like Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Myanmar, reports suggest that the species may exist in different color variations based on locality.


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