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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature26°C / 78.80°F - 31°C / 87.80°F

General Description

The African Leaf Fish, scientifically known as Polycentropsis Abbreviata, mimics a dead leaf in both body shape and pattern, camouflaging itself effectively. It can change color to blend with its surroundings and exhibits a unique hunting behavior where it stalks prey in a dead leaf-like manner, propelled by subtle movements of its rear fins. This carnivorous fish feeds by protruding its mouth to create a tube for sucking in prey, sometimes swallowing items nearly its own size.

Aquarium Setup

To accommodate an African Leaf Fish, a minimum tank size of 70 liters with soft, acidic water conditions is necessary, requiring a pH range of 6.0-6.5 and a temperature between 26-31°C. The tank should be dimly-lit with floating plants to diffuse light, heavy planting including species like Echinodorus for hiding, and minimal water movement to reduce stress as this species can be easily startled (see table).


African Leaf Fish prefer a species tank but can coexist with medium-sized loricariids and armoured catfish. It may also tolerate quiet, large species like gouramis and dwarf cichlids. These fish are not particularly aggressive towards conspecifics and can be kept in small groups in spacious tanks without intense conflicts, although smaller fish are at risk of being eaten.

Feeding and Diet

As carnivores, African Leaf Fish primarily accept live food such as bloodworms and small earthworms. While some specimens may adapt to dead alternatives, they prefer moving prey. Although piscivorous, they do not require live fish in captivity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding the African Leaf Fish in captivity is rare but achievable with proper conditions. The male builds a bubblenest among surface vegetation, with spawning involving energetic behavior resulting in over 100 eggs. They should be fed live foods like brine shrimp nauplii post-hatching, and parents must be removed to prevent fry predation. Sexual dimorphism is challenging, but females may have a convex ventral line, straight in males, with females displaying a lighter patterning during spawning.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, African Leaf Fish inhabit pools, swamps, creeks, and slow-flowing rivers, favoring areas with submerged vegetation along the banks in countries such as Cameroon, Benin, Gabon, and Nigeria.


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