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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size3.5cm / 1.38inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General DescriptionS. geisleri stands out within the genus Schistura due to its unique color pattern of yellowish background with dark brown blotches and saddle-shaped markings. With a small adult size of up to 3.5cm, this species exhibits sociable behavior and a tendency to bury itself in the substrate when threatened. It can be distinguished from other Schistura species by its distinct characteristics, such as a hammer-shaped suborbital flap in males.

Aquarium SetupTo maintain S. geisleri, a tank resembling a flowing stream with rocks, sand, gravel, and some larger boulders is recommended. Driftwood can be added for hiding spots, and hardy aquatic plants like Microsorum or Anubias spp. can be attached to the decor. Clean water, high oxygen levels, and water movement are essential for their well-being, requiring regular 30-50% water changes and mature aquarium conditions.

BehaviourThis species is peaceful with conspecifics and thrives when kept in groups of four or more individuals. Tankmates from similar biotopes, especially peaceful cyprinids like certain loach species, can enhance their confidence in the aquarium setting. Avoid pairing with aggressive or territorial fish, except in larger setups where a balance might be achieved.

Feeding and DietSchistura species are omnivorous, with their diet mainly consisting of small insects, worms, crustaceans, and zooplankton. While they accept dried foods, a varied diet including live and frozen fare like Daphnia and bloodworms is crucial for optimal coloration and health. Feeding small amounts of plant matter is also beneficial.

Reproduction & DimorphismIn aquaria, successful spawning has been observed with a ratio of 2 males to 4 gravid females in a separate tank with coarse gravel. Adult males display sexual dimorphism with a prominent suborbital flap and thickened pectoral-fin ray. These features help distinguish males from females within the species.

Habitat and DistributionNemacheilids, including S. geisleri, are commonly found in well-oxygenated streams with sandy substrates and forest cover. This species is distributed in western Thailand's river systems like Chao Phraya and headwaters of the Mekong. It predominantly inhabits areas with high dissolved oxygen levels, preferring clear, swiftly flowing waters for foraging.

Note: For water conditions, hardness ranges from 36-215ppm, pH from 6.0-7.5, and temperature from 21-26°C.


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