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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size3.0cm / 1.18inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

Betta Albimarginata is a species within the Betta genus, characterized by differences in color patterns and possessing 9-12 anal fin spines. They closely resemble Betta Channoides, with distinguishing characteristics such as head coloration and fin patterning. The Betta genus, with almost 70 recognized members, thrives in various ecological niches, ranging from stagnant ditches to extreme environments like acidic peat swamp forests. These labyrinth fishes possess a unique breathing organ, allowing them to extract atmospheric oxygen.

Aquarium Setup

The recommended tank size for Betta Albimarginata is a minimum of 40 liters. Maintained in a decorated aquarium without substrate, the setup includes driftwood, plant pots, and dried leaf litter to mimic natural habitat. Dim lighting and aquatic plants like Microsorum and Cryptocoryne are suitable. Soft water with low hardness and slightly acidic conditions are essential. A gentle air-powered sponge filter is advisable, keeping the tank partially covered as these fish require access to humid air above the water surface.


Betta Albimarginata thrives when kept with small, peaceful species due to its temperament and feeding requirements. They can be maintained in pairs or groups, displaying intriguing behavioral interactions in group settings. Compatibility with fish like small cyprinids and loaches is possible but thorough research is recommended due to Betta Albimarginata's specific needs.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, Betta Albimarginata preys on insects, small invertebrates, and zooplankton. Captive feeding includes dried products and small live or frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworms. Care must be taken to avoid overfeeding as Betta species are prone to obesity, impacting their health and color vibrancy.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Bettt Albimarginata is a paternal mouthbrooder, requiring a separate breeding tank for successful reproduction. The male embraces the female to release eggs and milt, with fertilized eggs collected by the male. The incubation period lasts 10-21 days, with the male releasing free-swimming fry. Adult males exhibit more vibrant colors and broader head shapes compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the Sebuku River drainage in Indonesia's Kalimantan Timur province, Betta Albimarginata thrives in forest streams with moderate flow. These fish inhabit shallow waters among marginal plant roots and leaf litter, emphasizing their preference for natural, organic environments.


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