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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 27°C / 80.60°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

Betta Balunga is a member of the Betta akarensis group, characterized by unique physical traits such as interrupted second postorbital stripe on opercle, reddish-orange iris of the eye, and specific body measurements. The genus Betta, to which it belongs, is the most speciose in the Osphronemidae family, with nearly 70 identified species adapting to diverse habitats, including stagnant ditches and peat swamp forests.

Aquarium Setup

In an aquarium, Betta Balunga can thrive without a substrate, among driftwood, roots, and branches creating shady areas. Clay pots and leaf litter provide shelter and natural food sources for the fish. Dim lighting is preferred, along with aquatic plant species like Microsorum and Cryptocoryne in soft, acidic water with gentle filtration. Access to humid air, however, is essential, making a well-covered tank a requisite.


Best kept alone or with peaceful species, Betta Balunga can exhibit intriguing interactions when grouped. It may cohabit with small cyprinids and loaches if research ensures compatibility. Larger, more aggressive tank mates can intimidate and outcompete it, necessitating caution in selecting tank companions.

Feeding and Diet

In its natural habitat, Betta Balunga preys on insects, small invertebrates, and zooplankton. Captive individuals readily accept dried foods but should also receive live or frozen options like Daphnia and bloodworms for optimal health. Careful feeding is crucial to prevent obesity, with occasional treats like crickets or fruit flies.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

As a paternal mouthbrooder, breeding Betta Balunga necessitates a separate tank with tight covers to ensure fry development. The female initiates courtship, leading to egg release during embraces. The male cares for the eggs and young, with some breeders removing the female post-spawning to safeguard the brood from predation.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in streams and waterways of Malaysian Borneo and Kalimantan Timur in Indonesia, Betta Balunga prefers shallow, vegetated waters for habitat. Collection records indicate variations in meristic counts across different locations, with morphological comparisons confirming conspecific status despite these differences.


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