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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size3.0cm / 1.18inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

Betta brownorum is a member of the B. coccina group, characterized by its small size, red or black body coloration, and unique abdominal vertebrae count. Endemic to Borneo, this labyrinth fish boasts an iridescent green lateral blotch and reddish-magenta body color. With a maximum size of 3.0cm, it is a bubble-nester species that requires specific care and breeding considerations.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up the aquarium for Betta brownorum, a spacious tank of at least 40 litres is necessary. Driftwood, roots, and branches can be introduced to create hiding spots. Dried leaf litter contributes to a natural environment, supporting microbe colonies and providing shelter. Maintaining dim lighting, adding suitable aquatic plants, and incorporating soft, acidic water are crucial. A gentle air-powered sponge filter and careful water level management are essential for the comfort of this species.


Due to its care requirements and disposition, Betta brownorum is best suited for solitary living or with very peaceful tankmates. While some small cyprinids and loaches are compatible, the species should not be housed with aggressive or larger fishes. Reports vary on keeping multiple pairs together, with potential aggression towards conspecifics observed in dominant individuals.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Betta brownorum preys on insects and small invertebrates. Captive individuals readily accept dried foods but benefit from regular offerings of live or frozen options like Daphnia and bloodworms. Overfeeding should be avoided, as Bettas are susceptible to obesity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Males of Betta brownorum exhibit more vibrant colors and longer fins compared to females. As a bubble-nester, this species requires ample cover for successful breeding. The male constructs and guards the nest, with the female participating in the spawning process. After hatching, the fry rely on the male for protection and food until they are self-sufficient.

Habitat and Distribution

  • Borneo's peat swamp forests and blackwater streams are the natural habitats of Betta brownorum. The species is endemic to Sarawak, Malaysia, with occasional populations found in Indonesia's Kalimantan Barat province. Acidic water with low mineral content characterizes its environment, along with dense vegetation, fallen leaves, and submerged tree roots. Loss of habitats due to urban development poses a threat to these wild populations.


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