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Minimum Tank Size96 litres / 25.36 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 27°C / 80.60°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

Betta Cracens, part of the B. pugnax complex within the Betta genus, is characterized by a slender body, anal-fin rays, lateral line scales, and unique thin, blue distal margin on the anal fin. These labyrinth fishes possess an accessory breathing organ allowing them to breathe atmospheric air to some extent, a common trait in Anabantoidei suborder species.

Aquarium Setup

An ideal tank for Betta Cracens should be fully decorated with driftwood, roots, and branches to create shady spots. Adding dried leaf litter, clay plant pots, or piping can provide shelter and a natural feel. It is suggested to use dim lighting and include Asian plant species like Microsorum pteropus or Taxiphyllum barbieri. Filtration should be gentle with an air-powered sponge filter, and the tank should not be filled to the top, as Betta spp. require access to a layer of humid air and have jumping capabilities.


Betta Cracens is best kept alone or with peaceful species due to its disposition, as larger or more vigorous fish can intimidate or outcompete it. This species can be housed in pairs or groups, displaying interesting behavioral interactions within a group setting.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Betta Cracens likely preys on insects and small invertebrates. While captive, they accept dried food but thrive on small live or frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, or bloodworms for optimal color and condition. Overfeeding should be avoided as Betta spp. are prone to obesity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Being paternal mouthbrooders, Betta Cracens require a separate breeding tank with a tight-fitting cover for successful reproduction. Males are larger with more iridescent scaling, broader head shape, and extended fins compared to females. The female initiates courtship, and the male cares for the eggs and fry until they are free-swimming.

Habitat and Distribution

This species originates from forest swamps in Sumatra, Indonesia, and may also occur on Bangka island. Typically found in streams with dense plant growth, Betta Cracens coexists with various fish species like Puntius spp. and Rasbora spp. The water conditions involve a pH range of 5.5-6.5 and a temperature of 22-27°C.


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