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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size4.0cm / 1.57inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 27°C / 80.60°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

The Betta Dimidiata, commonly known as the Betta, is often confused with B. krataios in the aquarium trade. This species can easily be distinguished by its spade-shaped caudal fin and various color differences. They belong to the Osphronemidae family and are part of the B. dimidiata group within the Betta genus. Betta is a diverse genus with about 70 recognized members known for adapting to various habitats, including extreme environments like acidic peat swamp forests.

Aquarium Setup

Betta Dimidiata should be kept in a well-decorated aquarium without substrate to ease maintenance. Driftwood, roots, branches, and clay pots can provide shelter and shady spots. Dried leaf litter is recommended to create a natural feel, offer cover, and provide additional food sources. Dim lighting is preferred, along with aquatic plants like Microsorum and Cryptocoryne spp. The species requires soft, acidic water, so a gentle air-powered sponge filter is ideal. Care should be taken to cover the tank adequately, leaving space for access to humid air as Betta spp. are known jumpers.


Betta Dimidiata is best kept alone or with very peaceful species due to its timid disposition. It can be housed in pairs or groups, displaying interesting behavioral interactions in the latter scenario. Some small cyprinids and loaches from similar natural environments are compatible tankmates, although thorough research is crucial before introducing any companions.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Betta Dimidiata feeds on insects and small invertebrates. In captivity, they readily accept dried food but should be offered live or frozen options like Daphnia and bloodworms for optimal color and health. Care must be taken not to overfeed, as Betta spp. are prone to obesity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Betta Dimidiata is a paternal mouthbrooder, requiring a separate tank for breeding purposes. The breeding process involves courtship, egg fertilization, and mouthbrooding by the male. Males exhibit larger size, extended fins, and more iridescent scales compared to females. Fry should be fed small live foods immediately after hatching.

Habitat and Distribution

This species is endemic to the upper Kapuas drainage in Borneo, Indonesia. Betta Dimidiata inhabits forest swamp streams and pools with minimal light penetration, stained water, and decaying organic materials. They are known to survive in moist leaf litter or holes in the riverbed when water is scarce.


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