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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Maximum Size11.0cm / 4.33inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 10.03dgH / 179ppm

General Description

Prior to its official description, Betta Ideii was traded as B. sp. ‘Laut’. It belongs to the Betta unimaculata complex within the genus Betta, characterized by a slender body, large head, and unique set of distinguishing features. This species is closely related to B. patoti but can be discerned by the absence of dark vertical bars on the flanks and darker coloration in adult males. Betta Ideii is part of the Osphronemidae family and possesses a labyrinth organ, allowing it to breathe atmospheric air.

Aquarium Setup

Betta Ideii can thrive in a fully decorated aquarium with driftwood, roots, and branches for shelter. The addition of dried leaf litter, beech, oak, or Ketapang almond leaves can provide a natural environment and microbe colonies. Dim lighting and Asian plant species like Microsorum pteropus or Cryptocoryne spp. are recommended. A gentle, air-powered sponge filter is suitable, and the tank should be covered but not filled to the top to allow access to humid air.


Betta Ideii is not recommended for standard community setups due to its requirements and disposition. It is best kept alone or with peaceful species, as larger or more vigorous fish may intimidate or outcompete it. In pairs, Betta Ideii can be maintained for breeding, while in larger groups, a spacious aquarium is needed to prevent aggression.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Betta Ideii preys on insects and small invertebrates. In captivity, they accept dried food but require regular offerings of small live or frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, or bloodworms. Caution is advised against overfeeding, especially with larger specimens susceptible to obesity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Betta Ideii is a paternal mouthbrooder and requires a separate tank for breeding with a tight-fitting cover to ensure the development of fry. Mating involves a courtship display, egg fertilization, and male egg incubation. After 10-18 days, the male releases free-swimming fry, which can be fed microworms and Artemia nauplii. Males grow larger, with more extended fins and vibrant colors compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

Betta Ideii is distributed in southern parts of the Indonesian province of Kalimantan Selatan, Borneo, and Pulau Laut. It inhabits coastal basins and forested streams with clear, flowing water, similar to other species in the B. unimaculata group. Specific habitat details for Betta Ideii are still limited.


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