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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness3.03dgH / 54ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

Betta simplex is a species within the Betta picta group/complex of closely-related labyrinth fishes. These colorful fish have distinct characteristics like iridescent green, gold, or blue scales, with males showcasing a more pronounced dark marginal band on anal and caudal fins. This species is known for its unique traits like having greenish blue iridescent opercular scales, a pale reddish body and fins, and a dark reddish head.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care of Betta simplex, a well-planted aquarium with plenty of surface cover is essential. It is recommended to include tall stem plants, floating vegetation like Salvinia or Riccia spp., and the addition of tropical lilies from the Nymphaea genus. Driftwood and plants such as Microsorum or Taxiphyllum spp. can be added for shelter. Dried leaf litter can also be included to stimulate microbe growth, providing a secondary food source for fry.


Betta simplex is not suited for standard community tanks, as its care requirements are best met when kept alone or with very peaceful species. While not overly aggressive, it is advisable to research suitable tank mates thoroughly. In some cases, these fish can be maintained in pairs or small groups.

Feeding and Diet

Inhabitants of B. simplex are likely to consume aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates in the wild. In captivity, they readily accept dried foods but should be regularly fed small live or frozen options like Daphnia, Artemia, or bloodworms. Care should be taken not to overfeed, as Betta spp. are prone to obesity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Betta simplex is a paternal mouthbrooder, requiring a separate breeding aquarium with a secure cover to raise their fry successfully. During spawning, eggs are caught by the male and later placed in the female's mouth for safekeeping until hatching. Males are larger than females and exhibit more iridescent scaling, broader head shapes, and longer fins.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Krabi province in southern Thailand, Betta simplex thrives in neutral to alkaline water habitats. These include limestone sinkholes with clear, blue-green water hosting an array of aquatic vegetation. The species is abundant in specific ditch and pool systems within its habitat, where they coexist with species like Barbodes lateristriga and Trigonostigma espei.


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