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Minimum Tank Size25 litres / 6.60 US gallons
Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature16°C / 60.80°F - 22°C / 71.60°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 8.01dgH / 143ppm

General Description

The Ornate Paradisefish, also known as Malpulutta Kretseri, is a species of labyrinth fish belonging to the family Osphronemidae. This fish is monotypic in genus and is protected by law in Sri Lanka due to its rarity. It possesses labyrinth organs, allowing it to breathe atmospheric air to some extent. The species exhibits three different color forms, with variations in pigmentation in the fins. It is best to maintain this fish species without other tank mates to prioritize captive breeding.

Aquarium Setup

The Ornate Paradisefish thrives in a tank setup with dim lighting and minimal substrate for easy maintenance. Decorate the aquarium with driftwood, roots, and branches to create shaded areas. Ideal spawning sites include half-coconut shells or upturned clay flower pots. Dried leaf litter can be added for a natural feel and to foster microbe colonies that serve as a food source for the fry. Proper filtration with an air-powered sponge unit is recommended, and the tank should not be filled to the brim to allow access to a layer of humid air above the water surface.


While not aggressive, individuals of the Ornate Paradisefish species may display varying temperaments, with some being more timid than others. Even the addition of dither fishes may not alleviate timidity in certain individuals. It is best to keep this species without other fish companions to focus on conservation efforts and captive breeding.

Feeding and Diet

In nature, the Ornate Paradisefish feeds on insect larvae and similar prey. In captivity, they should be offered small live or frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, white worms, and grindal worms. While they may peck at dried foods, these are not consumed in sufficient quantities for optimal health. Small insects such as crickets or Drosophila fruit flies can also be used as food sources after being fed fish flakes or vegetable matter.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

This secretive bubble-nesting species reproduces by releasing eggs and milt during embraces between the male and female. Males guard and tend to the eggs in a nest until they hatch. The fry require microscopic food initially and can later consume Artemia nauplii and microworms. Males are larger and more colorful than females, displaying extensions to the pelvic and unpaired fins.

Habitat and Distribution

The Ornate Paradisefish is native to the wet zone of southwestern Sri Lanka. This area experiences consistent tropical conditions with high rainfall, supporting lowland tropical rainforests. Due to habitat destruction, this species is limited to small, isolated forest reserves like the Kottawa Forest Reserve, which features pristine streams with shaded, cool water and sandy substrates with leaf litter. The ecosystem also harbors various sympatric fish species like Rasboroides vaterifloris and Puntius titteya.


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