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Minimum Tank Size25 litres / 6.60 US gallons
Maximum Size2.6cm / 1.02inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 4.03dgH / 72ppm

General Description

Parosphromenus bintan, commonly known as the Bintan Licorice Gourami, is a species of labyrinth fish belonging to the Osphronemidae family. They are small in size, reaching a maximum of 2.6 cm. Found in freshwater swamps and blackwater streams, these fish are known for their unique care requirements and distinctive features.

Aquarium Setup

The Bintan Licorice Gourami thrives in a well-decorated aquarium with dim lighting. Breeding pairs are often preferred, and substrate-free tanks are popular for easier maintenance. Driftwood, branches, and leaf litter provide shelter and spawning sites. Aquatic plant species like Microsorum and Cryptocoryne are recommended. Gentle filtration, soft acidic water (pH 3.0-6.5, hardness 18-72ppm), and regular water changes are crucial for their well-being.


These fish are best kept alone or with small, peaceful cyprinids due to their specific care needs and conservation status. Breeding males exhibit vibrant color patterns and build bubble nests, while females are less colorful. Male Bintan Licorice Gouramis form territories and attract females through spectacular displays before spawning. The male cares for the eggs and fry, with the female defending the surrounding area.

Feeding and Diet

As micropredators, these fish feed on tiny aquatic invertebrates. In captivity, offer a variety of small live foods like Artemia nauplii and Daphnia. Frozen foods are sometimes accepted, but dried products are often refused. Fry may require Paramecium or rotifers initially before transitioning to small live foods.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During courtship, males exhibit intense color patterns with whitish to bluish margins on the fins. Females are less colorful, especially when not spawning. Males care for the eggs and fry, sometimes building bubble nests. Females spawn in small caves or leaf litter, with the male taking the lead in egg and brood care. Fry become free-swimming 4-6 days after hatching.

Habitat and Distribution

Parosphromenus bintan is native to freshwater swamps and blackwater streams in southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo. They prefer peat swamp forests with dark, acidic water. Sadly, they are now mainly found in altered habitats like irrigation ditches due to habitat destruction. The species' full range is still unclear, with similar-looking fish reported on Sumatra and Borneo.


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