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Minimum Tank Size25 litres / 6.60 US gallons
Maximum Size3.5cm / 1.38inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 4.03dgH / 72ppm

General Description

Parosphromenus harveyi, commonly known as the "liquorice gourami," is a small species of labyrinth fish belonging to the family Osphronemidae. It is a micropredator that primarily feeds on tiny aquatic invertebrates. The species is not readily available in the commercial aquarium trade but can sometimes be obtained through private aquarists. With a maximum size of 3.5 cm, these fish are best kept in a species-specific setup due to their specific care requirements and conservation status.

Aquarium Setup

Parosphromenus harveyi thrives in a well-decorated aquarium with dim lighting. It is recommended to avoid using substrate for easy maintenance. Adding driftwood, roots, branches, and various hiding spots like clay pots or plant containers provides shelter and potential spawning sites. Dried leaf litter can be beneficial for microbial growth, acting as a food source for the fish. Aquatic plants such as Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, or Cryptocoryne spp., along with floating vegetation like Ceratopteris spp., are suitable. Filtration should be gentle, with air-powered sponge filters being adequate. Maintenance includes weekly water changes, soft acidic water with low hardness, and appropriate temperature control.


Parosphromenus harveyi exhibits territorial and breeding behavior and is best maintained alone or with small, peaceful cyprinids. Due to difficulties in sexing and potential hybridization, different Parosphromenus species should not be housed together. In aquaria, males attract females to caves for spawning through elaborate displays. The male cares for the eggs and fry, and successful breeding may require patience and removal of fry in certain setups.

Feeding and Diet

In the aquarium, P. harveyi must be offered a variety of small live foods such as Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, Moina, and mosquito larvae. While frozen foods are sometimes accepted, dried products are typically refused. The species is a micropredator and benefits from a diet rich in tiny aquatic invertebrates to thrive.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Parosphromenus harveyi reproduces by forming temporary pair bonds for spawning. Males exhibit courtship behavior, attracting females to leaf litter caves for egg deposition. In terms of sexual dimorphism, males display elaborate color patterns with black subdistal bands in their fins, while females are less colorful and lack prominent markings. Both sexes can change color based on mood and exhibit specific breeding-related patterns.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, P. harveyi inhabits peat swamp forests and blackwater streams in regions including southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo. Due to habitat loss caused by deforestation and human activities, the species is considered endangered. The fish are adapted to low light levels, acidic water conditions, and minimal dissolved mineral content, characteristics typical of blackwater environments.


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