Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size25 litres / 6.60 US gallons
Maximum Size3.5cm / 1.38inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 4.03dgH / 72ppm

General Description

The Parosphromenus Sp. 'Sentang' is a small fish that closely resembles other species within the Parosphromenus genus, such as P. bintan. It is part of the family Osphronemidae and belongs to the order Perciformes. These fish are commonly referred to as 'liquorice/licorice gouramis' or 'paros' by aquarists. They possess an accessory breathing organ called the labyrinth organ, typical of fish in the suborder Anabantoidei. This organ allows them to breathe atmospheric air to some extent.

Aquarium Setup

To set up an aquarium for Parosphromenus Sp. 'Sentang,' it is recommended to have a fully-decorated tank without a substrate for easier maintenance. Driftwood, roots, branches, clay pots, or even plastic containers can be added to create shelter and potential spawning sites. Dried leaf litter and alder cones can be included for a natural feel, microbe colonies, and beneficial tannins. Dim lighting is preferred, and aquatic plants like Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, or Cryptocoryne spp. can be added. A gentle filtration system like an air-powered sponge filter is suitable, and regular small water changes are necessary to maintain the required soft and acidic water conditions.


The Parosphromenus Sp. 'Sentang' is not recommended for a general community aquarium due to its specific care requirements and behavior. It is best kept alone or with small, peaceful cyprinids. Maintaining different Parosphromenus species together is discouraged as females can be challenging to differentiate, and hybridization may occur. Breeders often keep them in sexed pairs for breeding purposes, as fry may survive with their parents if in a controlled environment.

Feeding and Diet

These fish primarily feed on tiny aquatic invertebrates in their natural habitat. In an aquarium, they should be offered a variety of live foods such as Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, mosquito larvae, and micro worms. Frozen foods are sometimes accepted, but dried products are typically refused as they are not considered sufficiently nutritious.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Parosphromenus Sp. 'Sentang' typically spawns in small caves or among leaf litter. Males form pair bonds with females and are responsible for egg and brood care. Sexual dimorphism is evident, with males displaying colorful fin patterns compared to the less colorful females. During courtship, males exhibit vibrant colors and engage in specific behaviors based on species. The male tends to the brood, and fry become free-swimming after a few days, requiring specialized food for their initial growth.

Habitat and Distribution

Parosphromenus Sp. 'Sentang' is said to be collected in the Sentang river in Jambi province, central Sumatra, Indonesia. The species likely inhabits peat swamp forests and blackwater streams in its natural environment. Their distribution includes southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo. They thrive in freshwater swamps and associated streams, requiring specific water conditions for their well-being.


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