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Minimum Tank Size72 litres / 19.02 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 25°C / 77.00°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 3.03dgH / 54ppm

General Description

The Sphaerichthys Acrostoma, also known as the Giant Chocolate Gourami, is a unique species with a distinctive color pattern that sets it apart from other members of its genus. This species, part of the Perciformes order, has a maximum size of 7.0cm and belongs to the Osphronemidae family. It is a micropredator primarily feeding on small aquatic crustaceans, worms, insect larvae, and other zooplankton.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for the Giant Chocolate Gourami, it is essential to provide adequate cover and structure. This species thrives in a tank with various hiding spots such as ceramic flowerpots, plastic piping, wood roots, and branches. A natural-looking setup with a soft, sandy substrate and dried leaf litter, such as beech or oak leaves, can mimic its natural habitat. The tank should have dim lighting and include plant species like Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, Cryptocoryne, and Anubias. It is recommended to avoid strong filtration and maintain water conditions with a pH of 3.5-6.5, hardness of 0-54ppm, and a temperature range of 21-25°C.


Giant Chocolate Gouramis exhibit interesting behaviors when housed in groups of at least six individuals. They establish noticeable hierarchies within the group, with dominant individuals displaying aggression towards rivals during feeding or defending favored spots. While not schooling fish, they benefit from interacting with conspecifics. It is crucial to choose tankmates carefully, as the slow-moving nature of this species makes it prone to intimidation or competition for food by larger, more active fish. Peaceful, pelagic cyprinids and smaller Rasbora species are suitable companions.

Feeding and Diet

These gouramis are known to be picky eaters initially, showing a preference for small live or frozen foods like Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, grindal worm, and micro worm. While they may eventually accept prepared foods, a diet rich in live or frozen fare is essential for their optimal coloration and conditioning. Daily meals of suitable live or frozen foods are recommended to meet their dietary needs.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Sphaerichthys Acrostoma is a paternal mouthbrooder, with the male collecting and brooding the eggs in his mouth for 7-20 days. During courtship, males exhibit a distinct lateral stripe, while females lack this stripe and have darkened scale rows in the lower anterior body. Females also display more red pigmentation in the throat and unpaired fins, with differences in head shape and jaw profile between the sexes.

Habitat and Distribution

The Giant Chocolate Gourami is native to the Indonesian parts of the island of Borneo, specifically found in peat swamps, blackwater streams, and some clear water habitats. These habitats are characterized by dark, tannin-stained water with minimal dissolved mineral content and low pH levels. Due to human activities like logging and agriculture, their natural habitats have been significantly altered, impacting species diversity in the region. The species is mostly distributed within the Mentaya River drainage system in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.


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