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Minimum Tank Size54 litres / 14.27 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 25°C / 77.00°F

General Description

The Large-Finned Lampeye, scientifically known as Procatopus Nototaenia, belongs to the Poeciliidae and Procatopodinae family. It is a non-annual species found in permanent bodies of water. Males display varying colors and elaborate finnage, while females remain relatively plain and silver in coloration. The species is closely related to livebearing species rather than the popular Aplocheilid killifish.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, a tank size of at least 54 litres is recommended, furnished with heavy planting and floating vegetation to mimic its natural habitat of shaded forest streams. Coarse gravel substrate, smooth rocks, and driftwood contribute to creating a suitable environment. Water should be slightly acidic with a pH range of 5.8-7.5 and a temperature between 20-25°C. Regular water changes are necessary to prevent the accumulation of organic waste.


Large-Finned Lampeyes thrive in peaceful communities with species that share similar habitat preferences. They are schooling fish and are best kept in groups of 6-8 individuals. Due to their shyness, they should not be housed with larger or more aggressive tankmates to prevent food competition and fin nipping incidents.

Feeding and Diet

These species primarily feed on small invertebrates from the water surface. In captivity, they enjoy live and frozen foods such as Daphnia, bloodworms, and Artemia. Providing a varied diet ensures their nutritional needs are met for optimal health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Large-Finned Lampeyes requires a bare, dimly lit tank with appropriate spawning medium such as java moss or spawning mops. Males exhibit vibrant colors and elongated fins, while females are silver in color. Eggs should be transferred to a separate tank for hatching and the fry should be fed with infusoria initially, progressing to Artemia nauplii or microworms after a few days.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in the Lobi and Kienke river basins in southwestern Cameroon, Large-Finned Lampeyes inhabit shady forest streams with clear, moderately flowing water. These environments boast lush marginal plant growth and ample overhead cover, replicating their natural habitat requirements.


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