Fresh Water
Copadichromis Virginalis

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Minimum Tank Size300 litres / 79.25 US gallons
Maximum Size13.0cm / 5.12inches
Temperature25°C / 77.00°F - 29°C / 84.20°F


Copadichromis Virginalis is known to be a generally peaceful species within the cichlid family. They do not thrive when housed alongside aggressive tankmates such as Mbuna or other similarly colored fish that may provoke aggression. It is advisable to avoid keeping them with other Copadichromis species to prevent hybridization. These fish are shoaling by nature but require space for rival males to establish their territories. A recommended tank setup includes a single male with a group of 3 or more females to distribute male attention evenly. In larger tanks, multiple males with a corresponding larger group of females can be housed harmoniously.

Feeding and Diet

As specialized zooplankton feeders, Copadichromis Virginalis primarily feed on small live, frozen, and dried foods. They are generally unfussy eaters in captivity. Offering a varied diet is crucial, including items like Artemia nauplii and vegetable matter such as blanched spinach or quality Spirulina flakes.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Copadichromis Virginalis is a maternal mouthbrooder species with breeding strategies that can vary depending on the species. Ideal breeding conditions involve a species tank with one male and at least 3-4 females. The male constructs a spawning site, typically under a stone, and displays vivid colors to attract females. The female lays eggs in batches, which she collects in her mouth. Fry are raised in the female's mouth until they are released, usually after 3-4 weeks. Males are larger, more colorful, and have longer fins compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the northern region of Lake Malawi, Copadichromis Virginalis are commonly found in areas around rocky shores and reefs at shallow depths. Inhabitants of open waters, they shoal in large numbers, often alongside other species in the same habitat. A tank setup suitable for these fish includes ample swimming space, sandy substrate for nest-building, and rock piles for hiding spots and territorial boundaries. Water conditions resembling Lake Malawi, with relatively hard water, slightly basic pH levels, and temperatures ranging from 25-29°C, are ideal for their habitat.


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