Fresh Water
Eretmodus Cyanostictus

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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Striped Goby Cichlid, also known as the Tanganyikan Clown, is a species of fish belonging to the Cichlidae family and the Pseudocrenilabrinae subfamily. Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, Eretmodus Cyanostictus, as it is scientifically known, is characterized by its habitat preference in the upper few feet of water around rocky shores, often referred to as the surge zone. This species exhibits specialized adaptations for this habitat, such as teeth for scraping algae from rocks, a laterally compressed body, and a spiny dorsal fin for protection against predators.

Aquarium Setup

To house the Striped Goby Cichlid successfully, an aquarium setup mimicking its natural Lake Tanganyika biotope is essential. The tank should have a minimum capacity of 80 litres (see table), with a sandy substrate to aid digestion. Rocks arranged to form caves and crevices, extending to the surface, should fill much of the aquarium. Encouraging algal growth and ensuring strong lighting for the same is advisable. Maintaining well-oxygenated water with a high pH value is crucial for the well-being of this delicate species.


Striped Goby Cichlids are territorial fish and should not be kept with boisterous tankmates like Mbuna. Ideal companions include species occupying different areas of the aquarium, such as Cyprichromis, Paracyprichromis, and shell-dwellers. These cichlids are best kept singly or as a pair due to their somewhat aggressive nature towards conspecifics. Once a pair forms, they usually stay together for life, and if multiple individuals are kept, a sizable aquarium is necessary to accommodate them.

Feeding and Diet

The primary diet of the Striped Goby Cichlid should consist of vegetable matter like blanched spinach or spirulina flakes. This can be supplemented with small live and frozen foods. It is essential to avoid feeding high-protein foods like shellfish, meat, or worms, as they are not suitable for this species' digestive system.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproducing Eretmodus Cyanostictus in captivity can be challenging. They are bi-parental mouthbrooders, suggesting that a group of young fish should be allowed to pair off naturally to enhance breeding success. The female typically selects a rock as the spawning site, cleans it thoroughly, and lays 10-30 eggs, which she immediately picks up in her mouth to be fertilized by the male. The female carries the brood for over two weeks and then transfers the fry to the male's mouth, where they are incubated for 7-14 days before being released.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, the Striped Goby Cichlid inhabits the surface layers of rocky shorelines in Lake Tanganyika. This species is endemic to this lake and is well-adapted to the strong currents and breaking waves present in its natural habitat. Different color forms of E. Cyanostictus exist based on the collection location, making them a fascinating addition to well-maintained Tanganyikan aquarium setups.


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