Fresh Water
Julidochromis Regani

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Minimum Tank Size110 litres / 29.06 US gallons
Maximum Size30.0cm / 11.81inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

Julidochromis Regani, commonly referred to as "Regan's Julie," is the largest species within the Julidochromis genus. Despite its size, it is noted as the least aggressive member of its genus, making it a popular choice among hobbyists. This cichlid has various geographical morphs, with yellower variations typically found in shallower waters and darker forms inhabiting deeper regions of its native habitat, Lake Tanganyika in Africa.

Aquarium Setup

For an ideal tank setup for Julidochromis Regani, a Lake Tanganyika biotope is recommended. It should include rock piles to create caves and open-water areas in between. A sandy substrate is preferable, especially if housed with other substrate-spawning rock dwellers. Decor should be arranged strategically to reduce potential aggression, particularly if different species share the same tank.


Regan's Julie is known to be territorial, which can be managed successfully when cohabitating with other Tanganyikan cichlids like Altolamprologus and Cyprichromis species. While it can be kept in pairs, larger tanks are needed to house multiple Regan's Julies due to their aggression towards conspecifics. Avoid keeping multiple species or morphs of Julidochromis together to prevent hybridization issues.

Feeding and Diet

Live and frozen foods should make up a substantial portion of Regan's Julie's diet, with occasional dried foods supplemented. Including vegetable matter like spirulina or blanched spinach is also recommended for their nutritional needs.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction with Julidochromis Regani is relatively easy but requires patience. It's advisable to introduce a group of young fish and allow them to pair naturally. Once a pair forms, removing other fish from the tank is crucial, as the bonded pair typically remains together for life. The male guards the spawning area while the female tends to the eggs. Male genital papillae are more extended and pointed than females', with adult females being larger.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Tanganyika in Africa, Julidochromis Regani can be found in various regions of the lake. Unlike other species in its genus, it tends to be less of a rock dweller, often inhabiting sandy bottoms with scattered rocks. Although it prefers sandy substrates, this cichlid still spawns in rocky caves within its habitat.


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