Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size160 litres / 42.27 US gallons
Maximum Size10.0cm / 3.94inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Labidochromis Sp. "Perlmutt," also known as the Pearly Labidochromis, is a cichlid species that was only discovered in 1995 and remains undescribed in scientific literature. It is hypothesized to potentially be a geographical variant of L. caeruleus. With males reaching sizes of up to 10.0cm, these fish exhibit beautiful pearly white coloration, resembling mother of pearl, with mature males displaying intense coloring.

Aquarium Setup

The Pearly Labidochromis thrives in a typical Malawi setup, requiring a tank size of a minimum of 160 liters. The tank should have rocks forming caves and crevices, sand as substrate, and excellent filtration due to the species' sensitivity to poor water quality. Lighting can be dim as they inhabit deep waters, yet bright lighting with other Mbuna is permissible. Water conditions necessitate a pH level of 7.5-8.5, hardness of 10-25°dH, and a temperature range of 24-28°C.


While relatively aggressive, the Pearly Labidochromis is less hostile compared to other Mbuna species. In aquariums, they can coexist with similarly sized Mbuna and even peaceful species like Aulonocara or Copadichromis. To reduce aggression and territory disputes, overcrowding the tank with Mbuna is recommended. Males are territorial towards their kind and require ample space if housed together. It is advised to keep multiple females per male to distribute attention evenly.

Feeding and Diet

Being primarily carnivorous, these cichlids feed on aquatic crustaceans and tolerate meaty foods like Artemia and bloodworms. They can also subsist on algae-based diets supplemented with occasional high-protein meals. Including vegetable matter is crucial in their diet, with a high-quality dried product containing Spirulina being beneficial.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

The Pearly Labidochromis is a maternal mouthbrooder, spawning in harem groups ideally in a dedicated breeding tank. During breeding, males display vibrant colors to attract females to mating sites. The female lays eggs in batches, with fertilization occurring through the male's anal fin egg spots. The fry are carried for 3-4 weeks before being released. Males are larger and brightly colored, while females retain juvenile vertical bars on their flanks.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Malawi, the Pearly Labidochromis is found around Higga Reef and in areas surrounding Mbamba Bay, inhabiting rocky zones at depths of around 30 meters or more. Restricted to these locations, it thrives in environments where algae growth is sparse due to low light penetration.


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