Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size6.2cm / 2.44inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

Aquarium Setup

The Lamprologus Stappersi requires a tank size of a minimum of 40 liters with an environment that mimics its natural habitat. The tank setup should consist of open areas of sandy substrate with a depth of at least 2 inches for digging. It is essential to provide a sufficient number of empty snail shells, more than the number of individual fish present. The water conditions should be hard and alkaline, with a pH ranging between 7.5-9.0 and a temperature of 23-27 degrees Celsius.


This cichlid species is territorial and fiercely defends its shell and the small territory surrounding it. It can coexist with other species inhabiting different aquarium areas. When kept in groups, Lamprologus Stappersi tends to form colonies. In a colony setup, it is crucial to ensure an adequate number of shells for each fish and maintain a higher ratio of females to males to reduce male aggression.

Feeding and Diet

A common diet for Lamprologus Stappersi consists mainly of live and frozen food varieties. Dried foods may sometimes be refused, so it's advisable to offer a diverse diet to ensure proper nutrition and health for the fish.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

The Lamprologus Stappersi is known as a shell brooder and may breed in a community tank setting. However, for successful breeding and raising a full brood, a species tank is recommended. The females lay eggs in snail shells, and both parents care for the fry. Males are larger with a longer, less steep facial profile than females.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, Lamprologus Stappersi is typically found on the Congo side of the lake, dwelling in sandy shoreline areas littered with empty snail shells.

Ensure to follow the recommended aquarium setup conditions and understand the behavior, feeding habits, breeding patterns, and natural habitat of Lamprologus Stappersi to provide optimal care for these cichlids.


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