Fresh Water
Nanochromis Transvestitus

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Minimum Tank Size55 litres / 14.53 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

Nanochromis Transvestitus, a favorite among dwarf cichlids, boasts stunning colors with females being more colorful, lending to its unique name. This species is notable for specific water requirements, making it less suited for beginners due to its need for soft and acidic water conditions. The fish belong to the Cichlidae family under Pseudocrenilabrinae.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, provide a tank with ample hiding places using elements like clay pot caves, rocks, roots, and driftwood. While plants are optional, they offer added coverage. The species enjoys digging and benefits from a sandy substrate. Mimic their natural habitat by filtering water through peat to simulate the tannin-stained waters of Lake Mai-Ndombe.


N. Transvestitus exhibits relatively peaceful behavior with species acclimated to its required soft and acidic water conditions. Best tankmates include small Alestiid tetras, some South American tetras, and other dwarf cichlids like Pelvicachromis species. It is advised to keep them in pairs due to aggression towards conspecifics; larger tanks are necessary for more than one pair.

Feeding and Diet

Accepting a variety of foods, live and frozen options should form the primary diet. While flexible in feeding, these fish thrive on diets rich in live and frozen fare.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding N. Transvestitus can be challenging, as they prefer spawning in very soft and acidic water conditions with a pH range of 5.0-6.5. They are bi-parental cave spawners with the female initiating pairing. Sexual dimorphism is evident in the species, with females displaying more vibrant colors, including a red belly flush. Adult males typically develop small extensions on their dorsal and anal fins.

Habitat and Distribution

Found exclusively in Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of Congo, N. Transvestitus inhabits the blackwater lake's rocky areas with sandy floors. The lake's waters are stained due to tannins released from decaying organic matter, creating a unique ecosystem for these striking dwarf cichlids.


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