Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The Neolamprologus Helianthus, commonly known as the Sunflower Lamprologus, is a striking cichlid species included in the "Brichardi complex." This species, described only in 1997, is distinguishable by its yellow-orange patterning and v-shaped cheek marking. They reach a maximum size of 8.0 cm and are best kept in a species tank due to their territorial and aggressive nature.

Aquarium Setup

To create an ideal habitat for the Sunflower Lamprologus, set up a Lake Tanganyika biotope aquarium with piles of rock formations to provide ample caves for hiding. A sandy substrate is preferable, mimicking the rocky parts of the shoreline where they are typically found. The tank should have a minimum size of 70 liters and maintain water conditions with a pH range of 7.5-9.0, water temperature between 23-27°C, and a water hardness of 8-25°dH.


This species exhibits territorial behavior and aggression, particularly towards conspecifics. It is recommended to keep only a single pair unless the tank is very large. Sunflower Lamprologus can coexist in larger tanks with small to medium-sized Tanganyikan cichlids that occupy different areas within the tank, such as Cyprichromis sp. Other compatible tankmates include rockdwellers like Julidochromis or Altolamprologus if there are enough territories provided. They should not be housed with Mbuna or other boisterous species.

Feeding and Diet

Live and frozen foods should make up a significant portion of the Sunflower Lamprologus's diet. Dried foods can be included but less frequently. Regular offerings of vegetable matter like spirulina or blanched spinach are also essential for their dietary needs.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Sunflower Lamprologus is possible as they are cave spawners. Starting with a group of at least six young fish allows for natural pairing. The spawning tank should be a minimum of 30 inches in length, with pH levels around 8.2-9.0 and a temperature range of 77-80°F. Adult males are generally larger than females, but sexing them is challenging. Successful breeding involves a dominant pair tending to the eggs in a cave, with fry being cared for until sexual maturity.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, the Sunflower Lamprologus is typically found in rocky parts of the shoreline. Its distribution includes the type locality of Kamakonde, situated towards the south end of the lake on the western shore.


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