Fresh Water
Serpenticobitis Octozona

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Minimum Tank Size90 litres / 23.78 US gallons
Maximum Size5.5cm / 2.17inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 10.03dgH / 179ppm

General Description

Serpenticobitis octozona, commonly known as the serpent loach, belongs to the family Serpenticobitidae and is characterized by a body pattern of 7-8 dark bars on each flank, spanning the full body depth. This species, with a maximum size of 5.5cm, is part of the Cypriniformes order and is endemic to the Sekong River basin in southern Laos.

Aquarium Setup

To replicate its natural habitat, a tank for the serpent loach should mimic a flowing stream or river, featuring variably-sized rocks, fine gravel, patches of sand, and some driftwood branches. Maintaining high oxygen levels and water movement is crucial, achieved through the use of external filters, powerheads, and air stones. Regular water changes of 30-50% tank volume are recommended to ensure pristine water quality.


Peaceful with conspecifics, S. octozona thrives when kept in a group, displaying social interactions and the ability to cling to vertical surfaces. It is advised to house four or more specimens to enhance their confidence, as these loaches are naturally reclusive. Suitable tank mates include Danio, Devario, Mystacoleucus, and other peaceful species that occupy open water environments.

Feeding and Diet

Being omnivorous, the serpent loach's diet primarily consists of small insects, worms, crustaceans, and zooplankton, with limited plant matter consumption. Offer a varied diet of dried foods along with live or frozen options like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworms to enhance coloration and overall condition. A diverse diet ensures proper nutrition and vitality for the fish.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Information on the reproduction and sexual dimorphism of S. octozona remains unreported in available literature. Due to the limited data on their breeding habits and observable distinctions between genders, further research is needed to understand the reproductive biology and potential dimorphic characteristics of this species.

Habitat and Distribution

The serpent loach is exclusively found in shallow, fast-flowing headwaters and minor tributaries within the Sekong River basin. These habitats are characterized by rocky substrates, gravel, and sand, with abundant oxygen and biofilm growth. Despite the lack of aquatic plants, the presence of riffles, runs, and pools creates suitable conditions for S. octozona and other species such as cyprinids and loaches in the region.


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