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Minimum Tank Size1240 litres / 327.57 US gallons
Maximum Size43.4cm / 17.09inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 27°C / 80.60°F - 75°C / 167.00°F - 81°C / 177.80°F

General Description

The Serrasalmus Manueli, commonly known as Manny or Caribito Parguasero, is a highly sought-after species in the aquarium trade. It is often referred to as the "green tiger piranha" and is recognized for its sensitivity during transportation, resulting in high mortality rates among imported individuals. This species belongs to the Serrasalmidae family and can grow up to 43.4cm in size. With 24 described species in the Serrasalmus genus, S. manueli stands out with its distinct greenish sheen, red markings, and unique features compared to closely related species.

Aquarium Setup

To house S. Manueli successfully, an aquarium setup with a minimum tank size of 1240 litres is essential. The tank should be well-oxygenated, equipped with a sandy substrate, driftwood roots, and branches for cover. Additionally, dim to moderate lighting is recommended, along with the option to introduce hardy aquatic plants like Vallisneria or Microsorium. Maintaining pristine water quality is crucial, requiring a canister-style filter or sump, strategic water flow arrangement, and regular partial water changes up to 50% weekly. Care should be taken to position the heater externally to prevent potential attacks from these territorial fish.


S. Manueli is not a social species and should be kept as a solitary specimen due to its aggressive nature towards tank mates, including conspecifics. They tend to engage in territorial disputes, often resulting in fatal conflicts if multiple individuals are housed together. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid attempting to maintain groups of Manny in an aquarium setting to prevent stress and potential harm.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Manny feeds on fins, scales, smaller fish, insects, nuts, fruits, and seeds. When transitioning to aquarium diets, they can be weaned onto various dead foods, including bloodworms, Tubifex, Artemia, and prawns. Adult S. Manueli should be offered larger food items like mussels, cockles, squid, and earthworms two to three times a week. It is crucial to avoid feeding them mammalian or avian meats like beef heart and live feeder fish, as these can lead to health issues due to improper digestion and potential disease transmission.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Despite being a part of the Serrasalmus genus, the reproduction of S. Manueli in captivity remains undocumented. No external sexual dimorphism characteristics have been identified for this species, making it challenging to distinguish between males and females based on physical attributes.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to parts of the Amazon and Rio Orinoco basins in Brazil and Venezuela, S. Manueli inhabits diverse biotopes ranging from dense jungle areas to tropical grasslands. They are commonly found in the deep, flowing sections of major river channels in rivers like Rio Negro, Rio Xingu, and their tributaries. The species is adaptable to various water types, including black and white/clear waters, with a recorded natural pH as low as 4.5.


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