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Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 32°C / 89.60°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 10.03dgH / 179ppm

General Description

Corydoras Albolineatus, commonly known as C056, is not a prevalent fish in the aquarium trade but can be occasionally found. It can be distinguished from other species by its wide white longitudinal band along the body and numerous small brown spots on the head and snout. Members of the genus Corydoras belong to the family Callichthyidae and are known for their armored appearance due to bony plates instead of scales on their bodies.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, it is recommended to maintain a group of at least 4-6 Corydoras Albolineatus individuals. The aquarium should be equipped with fine sand or clean rounded gravel substrate. Additional decorations can be added according to personal preference, ensuring that the fish have some cover for security.


These catfish are peaceful and sociable creatures that thrive when kept in groups. They are known to form large aggregations, sometimes consisting of several thousand individuals. Corydoras Albolineatus are facultative air breathers, occasionally surfacing to gulp air. Caution is advised when handling them as their pectoral-fin spines can cause painful stings, potentially due to mildly toxic secretions from axillary glands.

Feeding and Diet

As foraging omnivores, Corydoras Albolineatus accept various sinking dried foods, small live options such as bloodworms, and frozen varieties like Tubifex. A diverse diet ensures the fish remain in prime condition, emphasizing that they should not solely rely on leftovers from the aquarium or being tasked with tank cleaning duties.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

In terms of sexual dimorphism, females of Corydoras Albolineatus tend to grow larger and have a rounder, higher-bodied appearance than males. Mature individuals exhibit these distinctions. Details regarding the reproduction habits of this species are not provided in the available information.

Habitat and Distribution

Within their natural habitat in the upper Iténez (Guaporé) region, Corydoras Albolineatus are commonly found in riparian zones with sandy substrates or edges of sandbanks. They have been observed forming sizable groupings and are sympatric with the congener C. paragua in specific locations. Water parameters where they are typically found include temperatures ranging from 29.1-31.6°C, pH levels between 6.47-7.46, and conductivity in the range of 24-27 µS/cm. The species' distribution includes the Santa Cruz Department in southeastern Bolivia, with the type locality being on the north bank of the lower Río Paraguá within the Río Iténez system.


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