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Maximum Size5.5cm / 2.17inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

Corydoras Aurofrenatus, commonly known as CW005, belongs to the family Callichthyidae and is one of the many species within the large genus Corydoras, recognized for their armored appearance due to bony plates instead of scales on their bodies. This particular species displays a distinctive color pattern with dark blotches on each flank, dual dark stripes on the dorsal fin, and a caudal fin of up to eight lobes, with the upper lobe more extended than the lower. They are facultative air-breathers, possessing an intestine adapted for atmospheric oxygen uptake, allowing them to survive in oxygen-deprived environments.

Aquarium Setup

For an optimal aquarium environment, it is recommended to use fine sand or rounded gravel as a substrate and ensure it is meticulously maintained. Additional tank decorations can vary according to personal preference, but providing adequate cover is essential to offer the CW005 a sense of security. Detailed water parameter requirements for these fish include a hardness range of 36-268 ppm, a pH level between 6.0 to 8.0, and a temperature maintained at 22-26°C.


In terms of behavior, Corydoras Aurofrenatus are known to be social and peaceful fish, often seen shoaling in groups. They are also known for their occasional surface air-breathing behavior. However, it is crucial to handle them with care due to their stiffened pectoral fin spines, which can cause painful stings as they are capable of piercing human skin.

Feeding and Diet

As for their diet, CW005 are foraging omnivores that readily accept sinking dried foods along with small live and frozen varieties such as bloodworms and Tubifex. To maintain their optimal health, it is advised to provide a varied diet rather than relying on leftovers from other tank inhabitants.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism in CW005 is evident as females typically grow larger than males, with sexually mature individuals showing a rounder and broader-bodied appearance, especially when gravid. The species' breeding habits and reproduction characteristics align with those of the broader Corydoras genus.

Habitat and Distribution

Corydoras Aurofrenatus are primarily found in the Río Paraguay-Paraná system in Paraguay, with recorded sightings in Argentina and Bolivia. Specifically described from Paraguay, these fish inhabit tributaries such as the Río Trementina, showcasing a habitat preference for freshwater environments with moderate temperatures and ample cover.


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