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Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

The Corydoras Axelrodi, commonly known as Axelrod's Cory, is a species within the Callichthyidae family. These fish are recognized for their variable appearance, boasting between 1-3 dark lateral stripes on each flank. They are characterized by their peaceful and gregarious nature, thriving best in groups of at least 4-6 individuals. Axelrod's Cory, like other members of the Corydoras genus, belongs to the order Siluriformes and is considered an omnivorous feeder.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, Axelrod's Cory should be housed in a tank with fine sand or rounded gravel substrate, kept meticulously clean. Providing some form of cover in the aquarium setup is essential to offer security to these fish. Water conditions should ideally maintain a hardness of 18-215ppm, a pH range of 5.0-7.0, and a temperature between 22-26°C (see table).


Known for their peaceful and social behavior, Axelrod's Cory thrives when kept in groups. It is recommended to maintain them in a group of at least 4-6 individuals to ensure their well-being and comfort in the aquarium environment. These fish exhibit typical Corydoras behavior, including scavenging for food and occasional rises to the water's surface for air gulps due to their facultative air-breathing ability.

Feeding and Diet

Axelrod's Cory is an omnivorous species that accepts a wide range of sinking dried foods, along with small live and frozen varieties like bloodworms and Tubifex. Offering a varied diet is crucial to keep these fish in prime condition. It is vital to avoid relying on them to "clean" the aquarium or survive on leftover food from other tank mates to maintain their health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Axelrod's Cory follows similar methods to other Corydoras species. Maintaining a ratio of 2 males per female is advisable during breeding. When females show signs of being full of eggs, a series of water changes with cooler water and increased oxygenation can stimulate spawning. Female Axelrod's Cory tend to grow larger and become noticeably rounder and broader-bodied when gravid, distinguishing them from males.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the Río Meta drainage in Colombia, Axelrod's Cory's distribution is primarily located in this region. Locality details indicate that these fish are found near the municipality of Puerto Gaitan within the Meta Department. The Río Meta flows through Colombia, forming part of the border with Venezuela before merging into the Río Orinoco at Puerto Carreño.


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