Fresh Water
Corydoras Ehrhardti

Corydoras Ehrhardti

Siluriformes Print

Family: Callichthyidae
Synonym Names: Corydoras meridionalis Ihering
Classification Order: Siluriformes

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Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature18°C / 64.40°F - 23°C / 73.40°F
Hardness5.04dgH / 90ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

The Corydoras Ehrhardti, a member of the Callichthyidae family, is a rarely-traded species characterized by its resemblance to various congeners within the genus Corydoras. These fish, which are part of the Siluriformes classification order, belong to a group commonly known as "armoured" or "mailed" catfish due to the presence of bony plates instead of scales on their bodies. With over 150 valid species, the taxonomy of Corydoras can be intricate, and there are likely several undescribed species within the genus. They are facultative air breathers and possess modified intestines that aid in oxygen uptake from the atmosphere, allowing them to survive in oxygen-deprived environments. This species is named Corydoras Ehrhardti in honor of Mr. W. Ehrhardt.

Aquarium Setup

For setting up an aquarium for Corydoras Ehrhardti, it is recommended to provide a substrate of fine sand or rounded gravel kept meticulously clean. Additional decor can vary based on personal preference, but ensuring some cover is available is essential to offer the fish a sense of security. Water conditions suitable for these fish include a hardness of 90-268ppm, a pH range of 6.5-7.5, and a temperature between 18-23°C (see table).


Corydoras Ehrhardti exhibit peaceful and gregarious behavior and thrive best when kept in groups of at least 4-6 individuals. They are known to be social and should not be kept solitary. These catfish are generally well-suited for community aquariums due to their peaceful nature.

Feeding and Diet

As foraging omnivores, Corydoras Ehrhardti accept a wide array of foods, including sinking dried foods, small live options like chironomid larvae (bloodworm), Tubifex, and frozen varieties. Maintaining a varied diet is crucial to ensure the fish remain in optimal health. It is important not to rely on leftover food from other tank inhabitants or expect them to clean the aquarium.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism is evident in Corydoras Ehrhardti as females tend to grow larger than males. Sexually mature females are notably rounder and broader-bodied, especially when gravid. Reproduction in this species generally occurs through the fertilization of eggs laid on various surfaces within the aquarium. Fry typically hatch after a few days and should be fed appropriately.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, Corydoras Ehrhardti can be found in minor rivers and small streams with soft substrates, some of which have been influenced by human activities. These fish are native to southern Sao Paulo to northern Santa Catarina states in eastern Brazil, including various river systems like rios Jaraguá, Iguaçu, Tejuco, and others. The type locality for Corydoras Ehrhardti is described as affluents from Jaraguá mountains, near Joinville, Santa Catarina State, Brazil.


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