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Minimum Tank Size96 litres / 25.36 US gallons
Maximum Size5.5cm / 2.17inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

Corydoras Lamberti, a member of the Callichthyidae family and the Siluriformes order, is a rare and challenging-to-identify species within the aquarium trade. It is among the larger catfish groups, with over 150 confirmed species. These fish are known for their bony plates instead of scales, which give them the nickname "armoured" or "mailed" catfishes. They are facultative air breathers, meaning they can take in atmospheric oxygen, aiding in survival in oxygen-deprived environments. Corydoras Lamberti can inflict a painful sting with their pectoral-fin spines and may possess mildly toxic secretions from axillary glands.

Aquarium Setup

For Corydoras Lamberti, a tank setup with fine sand or clean rounded gravel substrate is ideal, accompanied by preferred personal choice decorations providing cover for the fish's security. Water conditions should be maintained within a temperature range of 20-26°C, a pH of 6.0-8.0, and a water hardness of 36-215ppm. The minimum tank size recommended is 96 litres.


These fish exhibit peaceful and gregarious behavior, thriving best when kept in groups of at least 4-6 individuals, allowing for natural social interactions and a comfortable environment.

Feeding and Diet

Corydoras Lamberti are foraging omnivores that readily accept sinking dried foods, small live, and frozen varieties like chironomid larvae and Tubifex. A varied diet ensures they remain in optimal condition, as they should not rely on leftovers or detritus from other tank mates for sustenance.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Corydoras Lamberti can be similar to other species within the genus. A breeding tank should have a higher ratio of males to females when possible. The females will lay eggs on various surfaces, including aquarium glass or fine-leaved vegetation. Incubation usually lasts 3-4 days, with fry requiring small live foods once hatched. Females tend to be larger and have a broader, deeper body compared to males.

Habitat and Distribution

This species is native to the lower Río Pastaza in the Loreto Region of northern Peru, part of the upper Amazon basin. Fish resembling Corydoras Lamberti are also found in nearby tributary systems close to Iquitos. The type locality for this species is downstream of Río Huytoyacu, a tributary of Río Pastaza, in Loreto, Peru.


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