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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size3.8cm / 1.50inches
Temperature10°C / 50.00°F - 20°C / 68.00°F
Hardness10.03dgH / 179ppm - 20.00dgH / 357ppm

General Description

Corydoras Petracinii is a species within the family Callichthyidae, known for its distinct physical characteristics including a moderately elongate body with 23 dorsolateral and 21 ventrolateral body plates, and small eyes measuring 13.2-17.3% of head length. Its morphology includes reduced spine lengths, a cryptic color pattern, and ventrally-oriented pectoral fins adapted for living among rocks in flowing environments.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Corydoras Petracinii, it is recommended to use fine sand or rounded gravel substrate while keeping the tank clean. Providing water-worn rocks for cover is advisable, along with ensuring high oxygen levels and maintaining water quality and temperature within the range of 10-20°C. For specific water conditions, a pH level of 7.0-8.0 and hardness between 179-357 ppm are ideal (see table).


Facultative air breathers, Corydoras Petracinii can occasionally be seen rising to the water's surface to gulp air. The stiffened pectoral-fin spines have the ability to pierce human skin, causing significant pain, possibly due to secretions from axillary glands at their base, which might be mildly toxic or venomous.

Feeding and Diet

As foraging omnivores, Corydoras Petracinii thrive on a varied diet that includes sinking dried foods, small live, and frozen varieties like chironomid larvae and Tubifex. Maintaining such a diverse diet ensures these fish are in optimal condition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Corydoras Petracinii reproduction in aquarium settings is challenging due to their limited availability. Typically, these fish exhibit sexual dimorphism with females being larger and rounder than males.

Habitat and Distribution

Originally discovered in the Lomas de Medeiros hills of Salta province, northwestern Argentina, Corydoras Petracinii inhabits ephemeral streams with rocky substrates. Survival is sustained during dry periods by forming pools in deeper areas of the streams. However, the ecological pressure on their habitat due to human activities poses significant threats to their existence.


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