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Minimum Tank Size270 litres / 71.33 US gallons
Maximum Size15.1cm / 5.94inches
Temperature26°C / 78.80°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 10.03dgH / 179ppm


Juveniles of the Baryancistrus Demantoides are relatively peaceful, but as they age, males can become increasingly intolerant of conspecifics, reacting aggressively towards any perceived territorial threats. It is advisable to keep them alongside species that inhabit different areas of the tank, with medium-to-large sized characids being particularly suitable. Maintaining a group in larger aquaria is possible with enough territorial space available, while visual barriers should be considered when arranging the tank decor.

Aquarium Setup

The Baryancistrus Demantoides thrives in an aquarium designed to mimic a flowing stream, with a substrate of rocks, sand, fine gravel, and water-worn boulders. Adding driftwood branches, roots, and robust aquatic plants can further enhance their environment, with bright lighting encouraging the growth of aufwuchs for grazing. Clean water conditions are crucial for their well-being, requiring spotless water, ample dissolved oxygen levels, and water movement facilitated by canister filters and powerheads. Weekly water changes of 40-70% are recommended to maintain water quality.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, B. Demantoides feed by scraping periphyton and sediment from submerged surfaces. In the aquarium, it's essential to allow aufwuchs to colonize most surfaces excluding the viewing pane to provide a natural browsing experience. Their diet should be supplemented with high-quality sinking dried foods enriched with vegetables, live or frozen chironomid larvae, fresh slices of fruits and vegetables, as well as occasional defrosted prawns or shrimp. Home-made gelatine-bound recipes containing a mix of fish food, shellfish, fruits, and vegetables are also beneficial for these fish.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction of B. Demantoides has been achieved in captivity, where eggs are laid and fertilized in a cave. Post-spawning, the female is ejected while the male guards and tends to the brood until they reach the free-swimming stage. Successful breeding attempts are reliant on providing a spacious tank, well-oxygenated water, and a high-quality diet. Adult males can be distinguished by developing a broader, flatter head profile and longer pectoral fin spines compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

The Baryancistrus Demantoides is known to inhabit areas around the confluence of the río Ventauri with the río Orinoco in Amazonas state, Venezuela. They are also found in the lower reaches of the Ventauri up to the inflowing río Guapuchi. Typically collected from spaces between granite bedrock and boulders, this species shares its habitat with various other loricariid species such as Acanthicus hystrix, Panaque nigrolineatus, and Hypancistrus furunculus.

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