Fresh Water
Baryancistrus Sp. Cf. Xanthellus

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Minimum Tank Size240 litres / 63.40 US gallons
Maximum Size18.0cm / 7.09inches
Temperature27°C / 80.60°F - 32°C / 89.60°F
Hardness3.03dgH / 54ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

Baryancistrus sp. cf. xanthellus, commonly known as the Gold Nugget Pleco or L081, is a species within the family Loricariidae. It can reach a maximum size of 18.0cm and is native to the Rio Xingu watershed in Pará state, Brazil. The fish has a distinctive appearance with small spots on its body, but there is debate whether it represents a color form of B. xanthellus or a separate species.

Aquarium Setup

To keep Baryancistrus sp. cf. xanthellus healthy and thriving, an aquarium setup resembling a flowing river is recommended. This includes a substrate of variably-sized rocks and gravel, along with large water-worn boulders. Driftwood branches, roots, and tough aquatic plants like Microsorum, Bolbitis, or Anubias spp. can be added for enrichment. Bright lighting promotes aufwuchs growth, providing a natural grazing source. Clean water, high oxygen levels, and water movement are crucial, achieved through canister filters, powerheads, and regular 40-70% weekly water changes.


Juvenile Gold Nugget Plecos are peaceful, but as they mature, particularly males, they can become intolerant of conspecifics and aggressive towards perceived territorial threats. It is advisable to house them with species inhabiting different tank areas, especially medium-to-large sized characids. In larger setups, careful planning with ample territorial space and visual barriers can allow for group housing or cohabitation with other catfish species.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, Baryancistrus sp. cf. xanthellus primarily feeds on algae, diatoms, and filamentous invertebrates. In an aquarium, offering aufwuchs-covered surfaces for natural browsing is essential. Supplemented with high-quality sinking dried foods rich in vegetables, live or frozen bloodworms, fresh fruits, vegetables, defrosted prawns, or shrimp. Homemade gelatine-bound recipes with varied nutrient sources can serve as an ideal staple diet. Due to their high metabolic rate, regular feeding, and a diverse diet are necessary, especially post-importation.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction of Baryancistrus sp. cf. xanthellus in captivity is rare, requiring spacious, well-oxygenated tanks and a high-quality diet for successful breeding. Adult males exhibit sexual dimorphism with broader, flatter head profiles and longer pectoral-fin spines compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

The species is known to inhabit only the Rio Xingu watershed in Pará state, Brazil, although there are conflicting reports on specific collection points. Some sources suggest locations close to the Amazon River, while others mention areas further upstream, overlapping with the range of the closely related B. xanthellus. Maintaining accurate water parameters within a range of 27-32°C, pH of 6.4-7.6, and hardness of 54-268ppm reflects the natural habitat conditions required for the Gold Nugget Pleco's well-being.


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