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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size12.0cm / 4.72inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 23°C / 73.40°F

General Description

The Spotted Bulldog Plec, also known as L187A or Chaetostoma Sp., is a popular choice among aquarists due to its hardy nature. This species, part of the Loricariidae family, is commonly misidentified in shops, with the true L187 being Chaetostoma pearsei, characterized by white spots. Typically reaching a maximum size of 12.0cm, this omnivorous fish is also referred to as the Rubbernose Plec and thrives when its specific requirements are met.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, it is advised to maintain the Spotted Bulldog Plec in a biotope setup with a sandy substrate covered in smooth pebbles and various-sized rocks. A powerhead for water movement and oxygenation is essential, while plant options such as Anubias and java ferns can be considered, though they may not thrive in these conditions. Avoid very warm or poorly-oxygenated water to ensure the well-being of this species (see table for specific water conditions).


Known for its amicable nature towards other fish, the Spotted Bulldog Plec can be territorial with conspecifics, necessitating individual rocks as territories. Suitable tankmates include characins, other Loricariids, reophilic cichlids like Retroculus or Steatocranus, and many cyprinids. While territorial tendencies exist, multiple specimens can coexist if provided with designated rocks as territorial demarcations.

Feeding and Diet

As an omnivorous species, the Spotted Bulldog Plec thrives on a diet consisting of greenstuffs like blanched spinach, courgette, and cucumber slices. Additionally, incorporating live and frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp, along with algae wafers and other dried foods, ensures a well-rounded diet that meets the nutritional requirements of this fish.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Although not frequently observed in the hobby, the closely related L187b has provided insights into potential breeding behaviors. The male typically guards a rock, potentially digging a cave below it for spawning. Females are known to have broader heads compared to slimmer males, with males displaying enlarged pectoral fins. Spawning involves the male tending to the eggs within the cave until hatching, with fry becoming active feeders shortly after hatching.

Habitat and Distribution

Inhabiting fast-flowing mountain waters with rocky substrates, the Spotted Bulldog Plec originates from Colombia. These aquatic habitats are characterized by clear, cool water with high mineral and salt content. The species thrives in such environments, demonstrating adaptability to these specific ecological conditions.


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