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Minimum Tank Size108 litres / 28.53 US gallons
Maximum Size15.0cm / 5.91inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

The Hemiancistrus Guahiborum, also known as the L106 or spotted orange seam plec, was newly described in 2005, deriving its species name from a local tribe. This species, typically around 15.0 cm in size, is recognized for its distinctive patterning. Found alongside other Loricariid species such as Peckoltia and Hemiancistrus in its natural habitat, the Rio Orinoco drainage in Venezuela, discussions persist about its relation to the yet unnamed L122 species.

Aquarium Setup

To mirror its natural biotope, a stream-type aquarium with rounded rocks, gravel, or sand substrate is ideal. The Hemiancistrus Guahiborum, thriving in well-oxygenated water, can also adapt well to a planted tank, though live plants may struggle in these conditions. It prefers a tank with a gentle current running through it.


Known for being a suitable addition to community tanks, the L106 can coexist with characins like Anostomus, Hemiodus, Semaprochilodus, and Metynnis species, as well as reophilic cichlids like Retroculus and similar Loricariids. When housed with multiple individuals, providing each with a refuge is advised to manage territorial disputes that may arise.

Feeding and Diet

In its natural habitat, the L106 feeds on aufwuchs and small aquatic crustaceans. In captivity, it displays an omnivorous diet, readily consuming sinking dried foods, live, and frozen options such as bloodworms or daphnia.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

While not commonly bred in captivity, the Hemiancistrus Guahiborum is presumed to be a cave-spawning species based on its natural habitat and behaviors. Information on sexual dimorphism remains undisclosed.

Habitat and Distribution

Restricted to the Rio Orinoco drainage in Venezuela, the L106 thrives in flowing waters with rocky substrates, taking shelter amongst the rocks in its habitat.


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