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Minimum Tank Size54 litres / 14.27 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature26°C / 78.80°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General DescriptionThe Hypancistrus Zebra, commonly known as Zebra Plec or L046/L098, is a visually striking freshwater species within the Loricariidae family. It is revered for its captivating zebra-like pattern and exquisite appearance, making it a highly sought-after species among aquarists. This species, native to the Rio Xingú basin in Brazil, thrives in flowing, highly oxygenated waters over sandy substrates adorned with rocks and stones.

Aquarium SetupTo house the Hypancistrus Zebra adequately, a biotope setup is recommended. This includes a sandy substrate, smooth pebbles, and various-sized rocks. Incorporating driftwood branches and powerheads for water movement and oxygenation enhances the tank environment. While hardy plants like Anubias and java ferns can be added, individuals appreciate refuges such as wood chunks with tunnels or crevices.

BehaviourThis species exhibits a peaceful temperament, making it compatible with some fish species. However, due to specific requirements like high temperatures, pristine water conditions, and timid feeding behavior, it is not ideal for general community tanks. Hypancistrus Zebra is territorial with conspecifics and other similar species, emphasizing the need for adequate hiding places if kept in groups.

Feeding and DietThe Zebra Plec prefers a meaty diet, consisting of live and frozen foods like bloodworms, mussels, prawns, and sinking dried foods. While it occasionally nibbles on algae and vegetables like cucumber or courgette, a predominantly meat-based diet is essential for its nutrition and overall well-being.

Reproduction & DimorphismBreeding this species can be accomplished in a community tank with suitable conditions or in a separate breeding setup for controlled breeding. Males exhibit odontotes on their pectoral ray, which are absent in females. Successful breeding requires caves, well-oxygenated water, specific pH, and temperature ranges. Females lay eggs, fertilized by males, who then guard and tend to the offspring diligently.

Habitat and DistributionHypancistrus Zebra inhabits deep waters in crevices among rubble, primarily in the Rio Xingú basin in Brazil. Its natural habitat features fast-flowing, oxygen-rich waters over sandy bottoms with ample hiding spots, mirroring the aquarium setup required for captive specimens.


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