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Minimum Tank Size10000 litres / 2641.72 US gallons
Maximum Size60.0cm / 23.62inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

Megalancistrus sp., commonly known as L234 or Dragon Hi Fin Pleco, was previously designated to M. paranus, with L113 also linked. However, the species observed in the rio São Francisco is distinct from M. paranus found in the Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay drainages. The L234 is sourced from the rio São Francisco system, indicating an unidentified species. Additionally, M. barrae and M. sp. ‘LDA097’ are also exported from this system. Belonging to the Loricariidae family under the Siluriformes order, Megalancistrus can grow up to a maximum length of 60.0 cm.

Aquarium Setup

To ensure the well-being of Megalancistrus sp., a tank with a minimum size of 10000 litres is advised due to its potential aggression in confined spaces. It is recommended to house them with similarly sized and robust fishes in adequately spacious aquariums. For detailed tank specifications, refer to the table in the section above.


In captivity, Megalancistrus sp. can exhibit aggressive behavior, especially in limited environments. Therefore, it is crucial to house them alongside fish of comparable size and resilience. This species thrives in suitable-sized aquariums to prevent territorial conflicts (see ‘Aquarium Size’ in the table).

Feeding and Diet

Megalancistrus sp. in the wild likely feeds on aquatic invertebrates with occasional wood consumption. In captivity, they should be provided with a diverse diet including sinking dried foods, frozen Daphnia, mosquito larvae, chironomid larvae, shrimp, fruits, and vegetables. Homemade gelatin-bound foods incorporating fresh ingredients such as Spirulina, vegetables, and meat are beneficial for their nutrition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Details regarding the reproduction and dimorphism of Megalancistrus sp. are yet to be documented.

Habitat and Distribution

This species is exclusively found in the rio São Francisco system located in eastern Brazil. The environmental conditions within this system influence the unique habitat and distribution of Megalancistrus sp.


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