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Minimum Tank Size480 litres / 126.80 US gallons
Maximum Size12.7cm / 5.00inches
TemperamentPeaceful, Peaceful
Care DescriptionEasy, Easy
Temperature23.3°C / 73.94°F - 26.1°C / 78.98°F
Carbonate Hardness6-10

General Description

The Burmese Upside Down Catfish, scientifically known as Mystus leucophasus, belongs to the Claroteidae family and boasts an easy care level. With a striking all-black coloration, this African Catfish is known to hang inverted, although it can also swim upright. Found across rivers and lakes from Africa to Asia, this species primarily feeds on insects, crustaceans, and smaller fish by skimming the water's surface with its mouth.

Aquarium Setup

To cater to the needs of the Burmese Upside Down Catfish, an aquarium with a minimum capacity of 50 gallons is recommended. The water temperature should range between 75-82°F, with a KH level between 4-12 and pH levels of 6.0-7.5. It is advised to create a well-planted environment with ample hiding spots for these peaceful creatures. When selecting tank mates, opt for similar-sized, non-aggressive fish to ensure compatibility.


Known for its peaceful temperament, the Burmese Upside Down Catfish is a fascinating species that spends most of its time swimming upside down. This behavior is crucial for their feeding habits, allowing them to scavenge for food efficiently. In captivity, they display exploratory behavior, often foraging for algae on decorations and plants in the aquarium.

Feeding and Diet

As omnivores, Burmese Upside Down Catfish thrive on a varied diet. Sinking catfish pellets, freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and high-quality flake foods are recommended options to ensure their nutritional needs are met. Supplementing their diet with algae found in the aquarium mimics their natural feeding behaviors and aids in their overall health and well-being.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding the Burmese Upside Down Catfish in an aquarium setting can be challenging due to their specific requirements. Details on the breeding habits and dimorphic characteristics of this species remain less documented, contributing to the mystery and intrigue surrounding their reproductive behavior.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to regions spanning from Africa to Asia, the Burmese Upside Down Catfish thrives in freshwater habitats such as rivers and lakes. Their distribution across diverse ecosystems underscores their adaptability to varying water conditions, making them a versatile species within the aquatic environment.


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