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Minimum Tank Size500 litres / 132.09 US gallons
Maximum Size10.2cm / 4.02inches
Care DescriptionEasy
Temperature23.3°C / 73.94°F - 26.1°C / 78.98°F
Carbonate Hardness6-10

General Description

The Royal Plecostomus, also known as the Royal Panaque, sports a stout, muscular body with a distinct tadpole shape. With irregular black streaks on a mossy or cement-colored body, this catfish is considered a striking addition to freshwater aquariums. It belongs to the Genus Panaque and is renowned for its bold graphic pattern and prominent eyes.

Aquarium Setup

To create a suitable habitat for the Royal Plecostomus, a tank of at least 125 gallons is recommended. Aquascape with driftwood and rocks to provide hiding spaces since their natural behavior involves foraging on driftwood. Planted tanks with hardy plants, high aeration, and water movement are ideal.


This species is known for its peaceful temperament, making it a great addition to community tanks.

Feeding and Diet

The Royal Plecostomus is an omnivore that is not very selective in its diet. Driftwood is essential in their diet, as they forage for detritus and algae on or inside the wood. To supplement their diet, sinking foods like high-quality flakes, algae wafers, bloodworms, and tubifex worms are recommended.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Little is known about the breeding habits of the Royal Plecostomus, and they have not been successfully bred in captivity.

Habitat and Distribution

These fish hail from the rivers and tributaries of South America, where they have adapted to fast-flowing riparian environments. Their natural habitat includes sunken bogwood, which is essential for their dietary and behavioral needs. They can be found in regions with water conditions including a pH range of 6.5-7.4, a temperature range of 23.3-26.1°C, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 6-10.


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