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Minimum Tank Size81 litres / 21.40 US gallons
Maximum Size13.0cm / 5.12inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 24°C / 75.20°F

General Description: Rineloricaria Morrowi, commonly known as the Hemiloricaria Catfish, is a peaceful species belonging to the Loricariidae family. It can grow up to 13.0cm in size and is typically found in the Ucayali River basin in Peru. This catfish thrives in aquarium setups mimicking its natural habitat of leaf litter over sandy substrates.

Aquarium Setup: For an ideal tank setup, provide a minimum of 81 liters of water. Utilize sand substrate covered with dried leaves like oak or beech, along with twisted branches and rounded stones for aesthetics. Incorporate rock or wood caves, or PVC piping for potential spawning sites. They fare well in dimly lit environments or densely planted tanks.

Behaviour: Hemiloricaria Catfish are known for their peaceful nature, making them suitable tankmates for various species. They prefer companionship with small characins, Apistogramma, Corydoras, and other quiet Loricariids. Avoid housing them with aggressive fish as they can become reclusive and struggle to compete for food, especially outside of spawning periods. They exhibit territorial behavior only during breeding and are best kept in small groups.

Feeding and Diet: In their natural habitat, these catfish feed on aufwuchs and small aquatic crustaceans. In aquariums, they are omnivorous and accept sinking dried foods, vegetables like blanched spinach, courgette, and kale, as well as live or frozen options such as bloodworms and daphnia.

Reproduction & Dimorphism: Breeding Hemiloricaria Catfish involves setting up a tank with PVC piping for spawning caves, slightly acidic and soft water conditions, and nutrient-rich green foods to condition the pair. Males develop odontotes on the head and pectoral spines, distinguishing them from females. After spawning, males diligently guard and tend the eggs until hatching, after which the fry require constant access to soft food sources.

Habitat and Distribution: Found primarily in the Ucayali River basin in Peru, Rineloricaria Morrowi thrives in leaf litter over sandy substrates in its natural habitat. It prefers habitats with suitable hiding spots like caves or dense vegetation.


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