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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size5.5cm / 2.17inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness3-10 ºdH

General Description: The African Suckermouth Catfish, scientifically known as Chiloglanis Polypogon, belongs to the Mochokidae family and is indigenous to Nigeria and Cameroon. It is a small fish, typically growing up to 5.5cm, and is a peaceful species that thrives in fast-flowing hilltop streams.

Aquarium Setup: To create an optimal habitat for the African Suckermouth Catfish, a tank size of at least 40 liters with fine gravel or sand substrate, smooth rocks, and driftwood for shelter is recommended. Strong water flow and high oxygen levels are essential for their well-being, so the use of powerheads is advised. The water parameters should ideally be a pH of 6.5-7.0, hardness of 3-10 dH, and temperature between 22-26°C (see table).

Behaviour: Known for their peaceful nature, these catfish species coexist well with other rheophilic fish such as Alestiid tetras, Nannocharax, and certain types of cichlids and Synodontis. They are also harmonious when kept in groups in most tank setups.

Feeding and Diet: African Suckermouth Catfish are omnivores and accept a variety of food including small live or frozen options like daphnia, brineshrimp, bloodworms, as well as plant-based items like cucumber slices and algae wafers.

Reproduction & Dimorphism: Information concerning the reproduction of these catfish in aquarium conditions is currently unknown, although male African Suckermouth Catfish can be identified by an elongated genital papilla. Notable sexual dimorphism exists in some species with males exhibiting thickened or enlarged anal and caudal fins.

Habitat and Distribution: Found in the fast-flowing hilltop streams of Nigeria and Cameroon, the African Suckermouth Catfish thrives in well-oxygenated water with strong currents, typical of its natural habitat.


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