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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size4.0cm / 1.57inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

Microsynodontis Polli, commonly known as Pygmy Synodontis, is a small species belonging to the Mochokidae family. They are distinguishable from other similar species by their rounded or slightly forked caudal fin and fixed eyeballs. This West African species typically reaches a maximum size of 4.0 cm and requires a minimum tank size of 40 litres in captivity.

Aquarium Setup

For M. polli, it is recommended to set up a dimly lit aquarium with a soft substrate, rocks, driftwood, and twisted roots to provide ample hiding spots. Lighting should be kept dim, and while plants are appreciated, they are not essential for their habitat. The water conditions should be maintained at a hardness of 10-15 dH, a pH range of 6.8-7.5, and a temperature between 24-27°C (see table).


Pygmy Synodontis can coexist peacefully with most non-aggressive species, including African tetras, dwarf cichlids like Pelvivachromis or Anomalochromis, and small mormyrids. They are shy by nature and should not be housed with highly vigorous or aggressive fish. M. polli does not engage in fights with conspecifics and can be kept in groups without issues.

Feeding and Diet

These fish have a varied diet that includes frozen, live, and dried foods. They readily accept a range of food options, making feeding them relatively easy in a home aquarium setting.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction of Microsynodontis Polli in aquarium conditions has not been recorded. However, mature females can be distinguished from males by their rounder bellies.

Habitat and Distribution

Microsynodontis Polli is native to West Africa, specifically found in Liberia and Guinea within parts of the Upper Niger river basin. They inhabit freshwater habitats in these regions.


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