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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Maximum Size20.0cm / 7.87inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 25.5°C / 77.90°F

General Description: Synodontis Alberti, commonly known as the High-Fin Synodontis, is a peaceful fish with elongated barbels, making it distinctive among Synodontis species. It boasts large eyes denoting its nocturnal behavior and thrives in cooler water conditions compared to its counterparts. This species is considered hardy and adaptable, making it an excellent choice for novice aquarists.

Aquarium Setup: A suitable habitat for S. Alberti includes a densely planted aquarium with a soft substrate, rocks, driftwood, and roots for hiding spots. It is advised to incorporate floating vegetation to diffuse light in the tank. Parameters such as water hardness ranging from 5-25 dH, pH levels of 6.0-8.0, and a temperature set between 21-25.5 degrees Celsius provide an optimal environment for this species (see table).

Behaviour: The High-Fin Synodontis is a peaceful fish that can coexist with various species, particularly those over 2 inches in length to prevent predation. It can share a tank with Alestiid tetras, Pelvicachromis sp., other peaceful cichlids, Mormyrids, Gouramis, and larger rasboras and barbs. However, in smaller systems, this species exhibits territorial behavior when kept with its counterparts.

Feeding and Diet: S. Alberti is an omnivorous fish that accepts a wide range of foods including frozen, live, and dried options. It also enjoys vegetable matter like shelled peas and cucumbers, which it rasps with its lower jaw teeth. This species is known to be unfussy eaters, making feeding relatively uncomplicated.

Reproduction & Dimorphism: In captivity, reproduction of S. Alberti has not been documented, while in the wild, they form pairs and scatter eggs randomly. To differentiate between male and female fish, males retain a spotted pattern into adulthood, which fades in females. Additionally, the genital papillae can be examined for sexing, a method that requires careful handling and observation.

Habitat and Distribution: In its natural environment, S. Alberti inhabits a variety of streams and rivers in countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, and the Republic of Congo. This widespread distribution highlights the adaptability of the species to differing aquatic habitats.


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