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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Maximum Size11.5cm / 4.53inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The Synodontis Aterrima, commonly known as "squeakers," is a peaceful fish species that can reach a maximum size of 11.5 cm. This species is omnivorous and enjoys a variety of foods including frozen, live, dried foods, as well as vegetable matter like shelled peas and cucumber.

Aquarium Setup

For the Synodontis Aterrima, an aquarium setup consisting of dim lighting, soft substrate, rocks, driftwood, twisted roots for hiding places, and floating vegetation to diffuse light is recommended. Additional planting is beneficial but not necessary to replicate its natural habitat. The water conditions suitable for this species include a pH range of 6.0-7.5, water hardness of 3-20 dH, and a temperature range of 22-27°C.


This fish is known to be peaceful and can coexist with various species as long as they are over 2 inches in length to avoid predation. Suitable tank mates include Alestiid tetras, Pelvicachromis sp., peaceful cichlids, Mormyrids, Gouramis, rainbowfish, and larger rasboras and barbs. Although territorial, the Synodontis Aterrima can live with others of its kind if each fish has its refuge.

Feeding and Diet

The Synodontis Aterrima is an omnivorous fish that enjoys a variety of foods, including frozen, live, dried, and vegetable matter like shelled peas and cucumber, which it rasps at with the teeth in its lower jaw.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction of the Synodontis Aterrima has not been recorded in captivity. In the wild, they breed in areas with seasonal flooding and are egg scatterers without displaying parental care. Sexual dimorphism is visible in adults, with females being plumper and having a different genital papillae structure compared to males. Sexing this species should be done carefully to avoid injury, with males having an extended and ridged papillae, while females have a rounded one.

Habitat and Distribution

The Synodontis Aterrima is native to the Democratic Republic of Congo and can be found in various biotopes across the middle of the country.


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