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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size7.5cm / 2.95inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description:

The Big-Nosed Upside-Down Catfish, scientifically known as Synodontis Contracta, is often mistaken for the similar S. nigriventris due to its rarity in the aquarium trade. It boasts larger eyes, a broader mouth, and a distinctively unique head shape, earning it the popular moniker "Big-nosed upside-down catfish." Characterized by its habit of swimming in an inverted position, this species adds a whimsical touch to community tanks. However, it is crucial to note its initial fragility upon importation, requiring meticulous attention to water quality during acclimatization.

Aquarium Setup:

For optimal care, a dimly lit aquarium with a soft substrate, rocks, driftwood, and twisted roots creating ample hiding spots is recommended for S. Contracta. Incorporating broad-leaved plants like Anubias or Echinodorus, along with floating vegetation, mimics its natural habitat and provides shelter for these unique fish. The water parameters should ideally range from a hardness of 3-15 dH, pH levels between 6.2-7.2, and a temperature of 22-27°C (see table).


Famed for its gentle demeanor, S. contracta can coexist harmoniously with various peaceful species. To bolster their confidence and visibility, it's advised to maintain these catfish in groups of 3-4 individuals. Compatible tankmates include African tetras, dwarf cichlids such as Pelvicachromis or Anomalochromis, and small mormyrids.

Feeding and Diet:

As omnivores, Synodontis species, including S. contracta, exhibit flexibility in their diet. They readily accept frozen, live, and dried foods. Additionally, they relish vegetable matter like shelled peas and cucumber, exhibiting their unique feeding behavior by feeding on the surface in an inverted fashion.

Reproduction & Dimorphism:

While S. Contracta has been spawned in captivity, hatching success has not been reported. Determining the sex of these catfish is challenging, as their small size makes traditional genital papilla sexing ineffective. However, slight dimorphic characteristics are observable, with adult females typically being plumper than males.

Habitat and Distribution:

Endemic to the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo, S. Contracta thrives in small ponds, backwaters, and creeks, often congregating in substantial numbers in these freshwater environments.


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