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Minimum Tank Size540 litres / 142.65 US gallons
Maximum Size27.0cm / 10.63inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

One of the most stunning and sought-after species of Synodontis, the Synodontis Granulosa commands a high price due to its deep water habitat, limited range, and solitary lifestyle. This catfish species is intelligent, can develop a unique personality, and some individuals may even become tame enough to feed from their owner's hand. Rarely seen for sale due to the difficulty in collecting them for the hobby, the Synodontis Granulosa is a spectacular specimen highly recommended for enthusiasts.

Aquarium Setup

Ideal for a Lake Tanganyika biotope setup, the Synodontis Granulosa should be housed in a tank with piles of rocks arranged to create caves and open water areas for swimming. A minimum tank size of 540 litres is required, with water conditions maintained at a pH of 7.8-8.5, a temperature between 24-28°C, and a hardness of 8-35°dH. For more information on aquarium setup, refer to the provided table.


The Synodontis Granulosa should not be kept with fish small enough to be considered food but can thrive in a community of larger hard-water cichlids, preferably of Tanganyikan origin. This species is territorial with conspecifics, and keeping a group would necessitate a large tank due to their space requirements.

Feeding and Diet

Synodontis Granulosa is an omnivorous species accepting a variety of foods such as frozen, live, and dried options. They also enjoy vegetable matter like shelled peas and cucumber, which they rasp on with their lower jaw's teeth. This species' diet is quite versatile, making it relatively easy to feed in captivity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Under natural conditions in aquaria, the Synodontis Granulosa has not reproduced. However, captive breeding has been achieved through hormone injections, mostly in Eastern Europe. It is worth noting that some captive-bred specimens might be hybrids and not resemble true Granulosus when fully grown. Sexual dimorphism in this species includes females being plumper than males, with differences visible in their genital papillae.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the northern end of Lake Tanganyika, the Synodontis Granulosa is found in the waters of Burundi and Tanzania. Its natural habitat consists of the rocky substrate typical of Lake Tanganyika, where it thrives in the unique ecosystem of the lake.


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