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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Maximum Size13.0cm / 5.12inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Synodontis Petricola, commonly known as the Dwarf Lake Synodontis or False Cuckoo Synodontis, is a peaceful species classified under the Mochokidae family. It is a popular choice for Tanganyikan community aquariums due to its adaptability and compatibility with various tank mates.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, the Synodontis Petricola should be housed in an 80-liter tank or larger replicating a Lake Tanganyika biotope setup. This includes rock piles to create caves for hiding and open areas for swimming. Dim lighting can encourage the fish to be more active and visible (see table for water condition details).


Known for its peaceful nature, the Synodontis Petricola should not be housed with smaller fish that it may consider as food. It thrives in the company of hard water cichlids, particularly mouthbrooding species from Rift Lake, as well as suitably sized rainbowfish and livebearers. While the dwarf form is versatile in water chemistry, both forms should be kept in groups of four or more to reduce their secretive tendencies.

Feeding and Diet

As an omnivorous species, the Synodontis Petricola is undemanding when it comes to feeding. It accepts a variety of foods including frozen, live, and dried options. Additionally, it enjoys vegetable matter like shelled peas and cucumbers, which it rasps at with the teeth in its lower jaw.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Unlike many others in its genus, the Synodontis Petricola is often successfully bred in aquarium settings. It exhibits various spawning behaviors, including open spawning, and the unique brood parasitism method where it lays eggs among mouthbrooding cichlids' eggs. Breeding requires clean water, ample hiding places, and nutritious live and frozen foods to bring the fish into spawning condition.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, the Synodontis Petricola thrives in the unique ecosystem of this region. Its habitat consists of rocky areas providing ample hiding spots, and the species is commonly found in this environment within the lake.


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