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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Maximum Size13.0cm / 5.12inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 25°C / 77.00°F

General Description

S. robbianus is a hardy and adaptable species, often mistaken for S. nigrita due to its brownish base coloration distinguishing it from the latter's grey patterning. It is a suitable choice for beginners interested in Synodontis, though it is not commonly available for purchase. This species reaches a maximum size of 13.0cm and is native only to Nigeria, specifically found in the Lower Niger and Cross rivers.

Aquarium Setup

An aquarium of at least 80 liters is recommended for S. robbianus, with a setup including soft substrate, rocks, driftwood, twisted roots, and floating vegetation to provide hiding places and diffuse light. The tank should be dimly lit, with additional plantings considered beneficial but not necessary. Optimal water conditions for this species include a pH range of 6.0-7.5, hardness of 5-20°dH, and a temperature between 22-25°C.


Synodontis robbianus tends to become slightly territorial as it matures, particularly towards other Synodontis species. While it can be maintained in a small group in a suitably sized tank, aggression is usually less pronounced compared to other members of the genus. Ideal tankmates for S. robbianus include Alestiid tetras, robust cichlids, Mormyrids, Knifefish, Gouramis, and larger rasboras and barbs.

Feeding and Diet

As an omnivorous species, S. robbianus is accepting of various food types including frozen, live, and dried options. It also enjoys vegetable matter such as shelled peas and cucumber, which it will rasp at with the teeth in its lower jaw.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction behavior of S. robbianus in aquaria has not been recorded, but in the wild, they breed like other riverine Synodontis in areas with seasonal flooding rich in micro-organisms. This species is an egg scatterer and does not display any parental care. Sexual dimorphism in S. robbianus is subtle, with females appearing plumper than males when mature, making sexing challenging using traditional methods.

Habitat and Distribution

Naturally occurring in the Lower Niger and Cross rivers of Nigeria, S. robbianus thrives in riverine habitats and is adapted to the specific conditions of this region.


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